Defines the data object passed to any traversal callback function. All paths are converted to Unix style paths,
so for instance on Windows \ and \ are replaced with /.
Type declaration
baseDir: string
Stores the basepath directory as a Unix styled path.
cntr: number
Stores the number of times a package.json has been processed.
currentDir: string
Current directory of traversal as a Unix styled path.
filepath: string
Current loaded package.json file path as a Unix styled path.
packageObj: object
Current loaded package.json object.
relativeDir: string
Current directory of traversal as a relative Unix styled path from process.cwd.
rootPath: string
The root path to stop traversal as a Unix styled path.
Defines the data object passed to any traversal callback function. All paths are converted to Unix style paths, so for instance on Windows
are replaced with/